
Stuck, cornflakesareglutenfree

Kurt was *ahem* playing. Solo. By himself. Until it got… uh… STUCK. And he had to call his bff to come help him, you know? Get it out? Ughhhhh…

Angel of the Morning

Angel of the Morning, gleefulmusings

The Father believes Castiel would benefit from the inclusion of one of his brethren, so he assigns a new angel whose primary objective is the shepherding of Sam Winchester. Kurt Hummel, newly dead and angelic, has some definite ideas on how best he can assist his new charge.

In Control

In Control, blueberrykissa

“…He only really cut down his caloric intake by 500 calories, the recommended cut to lose weight. He’d be fine.”

A.K.A. “Kurt has never had a good relationship with food.”

The Vile Snake Will Always Sting You

The Vile Snake Will Always Sting You, gleefulmusings

Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets. – W.H. Auden

A.K.A. Rape aftermath from the point of view of the people who love Kurt Hummel.

Mad Love.

Mad Love., Teardropfires

“So for three years now, they’ve been doing this. This admittedly weird friendship that toed the line into unknown territory more times than he can count. Kurt had always assumed it was one-sided and unrequited.

But none of this explains why Sebastian attacked Kurt mid sentence by smashing his face against his.”

Part 1 of the Give Me a Memory. series